Contacts us

We are here to help! If you have any questions about our horse products, need assistance with an order, or would like more information, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Sales office

Anna Pessa
Head office

Pessastudio Horse Tecnology srl

Via Cà Megliadino, 35
35044, Padova (Italy)

Registered entity

Pessastudio Horse Tecnology srl

Via Garibaldi, 28
35043, Padova (Italy)
VAT number:04743610281

Bank account details
Bank name:Cassa di Risparmio del Veneto filiale di Monselice
Iban:IT97 M030 6962 6691 0000 0004 400
Bank name:Banca Prealpi Sanbiagio (Filiale di Este)

International Dealers

Authorized dealer Germany

Bacher Products GmbH

Lorscher Straße 13
68642, (Germany)
Authorized dealer Germany & Middle East

BEST Equine GmbH Training Facilities for Horses (Belinda Hitzler)

Priehlweg 7
89407, (Germany)
Authorized dealer Belgium

Roberto Della Bella

Authorized dealer France

Société Equi Bride (Sébastien Mugnier)

Authorized dealer Rome

Marco Accardo