Cookie Policy

Data Controller

The use of cookies and similar technologies by Pessastudio Horse Tecnology srl, with headquarters at Via Garibaldi, 28, Monselice (Italy), is governed by the Administrator’s privacy policy, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Italian Legislative Decree 196/03 on Personal Data Protection Code (Privacy Code) and the Order of 8 May 2014, “Identification of simplified procedures for providing information about and obtaining consent for the use of cookies” from the Italian Data Protection Authority. Pessastudio Horse Tecnology srl, in its capacity as Data Controller, acts in compliance with relevant legislation.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small file that is sent to the browser in use and saved on your device when you visit a website like $ (‘the Website’). Cookies allow the Website to function efficiently and improve its services, in addition to providing information to the Website’s owner for statistical or advertising purposes, primarily to personalise your browsing experience by remembering your preferences (for example, remembering the language and currency you set, in order to recognise you at the next visit, etc.).

Which cookies do we use and for what purposes?

Our website uses various types of first-party cookies (provided and managed by Pessastudio Horse Tecnology srl), and third-party cookies (provided and managed by third parties based on their own individual privacy policies and not under the control of Pessastudio Horse Tecnology srl), each of which has a specific function. The table below explains what they are for.

Type of cookieFunction
Navigation cookiesFrom first access, these cookies allow the Website to function correctly and allow you to view content on your device by recognising the language and market of the country from which you’ve chosen to connect. If you are a registered user, they will allow you to be recognised and to access the services offered from the dedicated areas. Navigation cookies are technical cookies and are needed for the functioning of the Website.
Analytical cookiesThese first-party cookies are the property of Pessastudio Horse Tecnology srl (Website Administrator) and are used to gather data in anonymous and aggregated form. These cookies are used to prepare statistical analyses on the browsing methods of our Website’s users. Pessastudio Horse Tecnology srl uses the results of these analyses anonymously and exclusively for statistical purposes.
_gaGoogle AnalyticsAnalytical cookies
_ga_11DED996WJGoogle AnalyticsAnalytical cookies
gatsby-gdpr-google-tagmanagerPessastudio Horse Tecnology srlNavigation cookies
Access to Data and Customer Care

You may at any time receive assistance and explanations on how to provide your consent or selective refusal, or on how to delete cookies from your browser, by sending an e-mail to Customer Care, selecting “Privacy” as the topic, or via a written request sent to Anna Pessa, Via Garibaldi, 28, Monselice (Italy) at the mailing address of the registered office. We will reply to you promptly.